
Could this be the Blue Skull?

By Crystal Skull Explorer

What are the Crystal Skull Chronicles?

Long ago, mysterious artifacts known as the crystal skulls began to appear within various civilizations and cultures. These artifacts seem to possess a powerful energy that could be used for incredible good or misused for total destruction.

Join us in this saga (or is it a story?) that spans many years from the past, to present day and on into our future. Finally, here is revealed the true nature of the crystal skulls through the ongoing struggle for planet Earth to move into a glorious Golden Age of total Peace and Harmony.

You have now entered the Time of Transformation ... the beginning of the New Dawn!!!

Crystal Skull Explorer

Please Note: This story is a work of fiction ... although we have done our best to portray the various cultures (Inca, Maya, Native American and Tibet Buddhist) as accurately as possible, the story that is told reflects inner visions of the author. We can not verify that these visions are based on actual events, the key to this story is the goal of showing how a Golden Age will manifest on Planet Earth. It is possible, since anything one can imagine, must exist in some reality ... that we could be portraying a story from another world or a parrallel earth ... only you can judge ... In any case, enjoy and we are always open to feedback from others ..... Illinois



PART I: Opening Comments by Crystal Skull Explorer

PART II: Confirmation by the Numbers

PART III: A Brief Personal History ("Illinois" Shapiro)

PART IV: The Blue Crystal Skull

PART V: Mission Objective (Conclusion - Call for Helpers)

Book 1
The Players Assemble (Unification)

Chapter 1 ( The Story Teller rJis )

ACT I: The New Dawn (Brazil - 2037)

ACT II: In a Far Far Galaxy (Andromeda - 2519)

ACT III: And the Stars Are ... (Brazil - 2037)

ACT IV: The Saga Unfolds (Guatemala - 1259)

ACT V: Moving Forward ... (Tibet 1949/59)

ACT VI: Over There ... (NYC 1963)

ACT VII: In the Jungle ... (Guatemala 1972)

ACT VII-B: The Irresistible Collector (Guatemala 1981)

ACT VIII: The Call of the Inca ... (Peru 1989)

ACT VIII-B: Old Peru Again ... (Santa Fe, NM, 1995)

ACT IX: The Eagle Flies ... (Hopi Land - AZ 1997)

ACT X: The Dark Side of Things ... (Guatemela City 1997 )

ACT XI: Magic in the Air (Highlands of Guatemala 1997)

ACT XII: Spinning Down -- Time for A Break (2037/2519)

Chapter 2 ( 1997 - The Beginning of the End )


Section I: Crystal Skull Reference Page

Section II: CS Chronicles Logs/History Page

Section III: CS Chronicles Helper Acknowledgment Page

Section IV: CS Chronicles - Guidelines for Helpers



To continue to the next page, follow the arrow below ...

Part I

VJ Enterprises
Attn: Joshua "Illinois" Shapiro
9737 Fox Glen Dr. #1K
Niles, IL 60714
TEL : (847) 824-1822
FAX: (413) 604-9059
