Spirits of the Earth - Qorikancha

Replica of the Sun Disc

Qorikancha "Enclave of Gold" where we find the home of the 'Ancient Golden Sun Disc of the Motherland of Mu' still in it's original altar. The energy from this Sacred Disc is still felt by shifting ourselves from the 'first attention' to the 'thirteth attention'. In doing so, we can experience the Magnitude, Illimination Flame and Divine Wisdom of the ancient disc..

Qorikancha Temple
Currently the Santo Domingo Convent

Spirits of the Earth

Attn: Vera ManaLeo
9324 Home Court
Des Plaines, IL 60016 (USA)

Phone/Fax: (847) 699-9701
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This page was designed exclusively for VJ Enterprises by Don Bright ©1996 A Bright Design